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北歐對眾多金屬迷來說真的是一個令人憧憬的美妙樂土,北歐國家的音樂的多元性使他們在Heavy Metal的發展上一點也不遜色,其中又以Black/Death Metal最令人驚嘆,當中旋死代表Children OfBodom(COB)5月14日殺到九龍灣國際展貿中心Music Zone。

來自芬蘭的5人樂隊Children Of Bodom,風格介於旋律死亡金屬與力量金屬之間,也可以說是用黑腔演唱的旋律死亡金屬。然而幾乎在所有資料中,COB均被定義為旋律死亡金屬的代表樂隊,即使他們幾乎不用黑嗓,演奏方式與死亡金屬相去甚遠。

COB 1997年成軍於北歐千湖之國,即芬蘭首都赫爾辛基城郊的一個名為ESPOO的城市,他們的隊名也有一段典故:源於芬蘭境內一樁駭人聽聞的恐怖兇殺案。 1960年6月5日,赫爾辛基郊區的博多湖邊(LakeBodom),四位青少年在露營時慘遭謀殺,案件至今尚未偵破,唯一的生還者因為受到劇烈創傷及驚 嚇,仍在接受心理輔導與治療!

COB現任成員為主唱兼結他手Alexi Laiho﹑結他手Roope Latvala﹑鍵琴手JanneWarman﹑Bass手Henkka Seppaia以及鼓手JackaRaatikainen,他們用充滿速度感的方式來詮釋旋律死亡金屬,令人讚嘆團員更是個個的技巧都是一流,樂風豐富的 旋律性及披有一層充滿速度感的曲風外衣,也引起芬蘭一陣這類型的音樂的風潮,樂隊分別於2001年及2006年的LOUD PARK到日本演出,是少數在日本流行的北歐金屬樂團。5月14日香港重金屬樂迷便可以一睹COB的真功夫。

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美國大牌旋死核The Black Dahlia Murder(TBDM),4月將首度到訪大中華區,在台北﹑北京﹑上海演出後,4月23日於九龍灣國際展貿中心Music Zone奉獻超爆﹑震撼現場演出。

名字受到1947年不能破解的經典命案Black Dahlia啟發而來的美國5人旋死新浪潮代表The Black Dahlia Murder來港緝兇!旋死,全稱旋律死亡,英文Melodic death metal,是金屬樂的一種演奏風格,主唱可以在兩種不同的唱腔之間切換自如,一黑一死,配合的十分到位,雙結他激情四射,比起用機關槍掃射般的Riff更快速、似剁肉機般的Riff也非常悅耳,SOLO亦甚具功力,鼓手採用了大量剁菜式的Blast Beats,這在旋律死亡界是罕見的,高速的雙踩組成了一堵厚實的牆,更難能可貴的是TBDM的音樂非常清晰,聽得好此道者大呼過癮。

成員包括主音Trevor Strnad、結他手BrianEschbach、Ryan Knight、BassMax Lavelle及鼓手Alan Cassidy的TBDM今年4月18日先到台北The Wall Live House,他們繼2006芬蘭旋律死金新霸主Norther、2010年美國死碾團Misery Index、2011年德意鞭笞屠夫Destruction、2012年享譽全球極限金屬樂界Death Metal代表團Cannibal Corpose食人殭屍後,加入「Day of Reckoning 審判日降臨」系列,持續保持極端技術本位的精神,4月23日必令香港旋死樂迷樂天!

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by Dinosaur Journal · in Live Report & Photography

photographs: LINK

在80年代 post-punk 先驅 Peter Hook( Joy Division / New Order)的來港兩天後,倫敦的新一代 post-punk 樂團 White Lies 亦空降香港,展示他們廣受好評的音樂,當中包括專輯 To Lose My Life… 的代表作。該專輯在2009年推出時拿下英國大碟榜第一位。至今在音樂史上它仍然是唯一取得此佳績的首張專輯。

如果你覺得這次演出作為 Big TV 巡演的其中一站,White Lies 只會純粹為新作 Big TV 作宣傳,那你就大錯特錯了。他們在整個音樂會表演了16首歌,包括不同的時期的名曲 ,當然少不了在首張專輯發行前已取得名氣的 “Death”、”Unfinished Business” 和 “To Lose My Life”。這個 post-punk 三人組在演出時會額外加入兩名巡迴成員,分別負責鍵盤/合成器和的結他。那絕對是如虎添翼之舉,有助提升現整體場表演的效果。事實上,他們的現埸演出比他 們的錄音更令人振奮,尤其在突出 White Lies 的跳脫節拍與他們陽光的外表,有着非凡的感染力。

雖然 White Lies 在他們的職業生涯中只發行了三張專輯,他們已經擁有足夠代表作,可以在表演新材料之間保持觀眾的熱情。過於明亮的燈光似乎與 White Lies 所表達的黑暗和哥特式信息不配合。作為英國的大型演唱會常客,這個火熱的倫敦搖滾樂隊並沒有失去他們的專業態度,在地球的另一面,面對一群少觀眾仍在整個 演唱會中保持着開朗的笑容。

2 days after the 80′s post-punk pioneer Peter Hook’s (Joy Division / New Order) performance in Hong Kong, London’s new post-punk generation White Lies took over the city with their critically-acclaimed music, including numerous hits from To Lose My Life…, which scored no.1 on UK Albums Chart in 2009. It’s still the only debut album in the music history which landed straight at no.1 on the same chart.

If you think this stop as part of the Big TV Tour will purely be a promotional concert for their new album Big TV, then you’re absolutely wrong. In the 16-song set, White Lies perfectly slotted in their anthems from different eras, including their pre-debut anthems “Death”, “Unfinished Business” and “To Lose My Life”. The post-punk trio were joined by two touring members on stage for keyboard and additional guitar. And that certainly helped generating a much better outcome in live performance. Indeed, their live sounded way more uplifting and sensational than their recordings, especially in highlighting the danceable beats with their quite sunny appearance.

I close my eyes as my hands shake And when I see a new day Who’s driving this anyway I picture my own grave, ’cause fear’s got a hold on me

- Death / White Lies -

Even though White Lies have only released three albums in their career, they have produced enough anthems to keep the hype up between the new materials. The overly-illuminated stage seemed to be mismatched with the darkness and underlying gothic message. Being a stadium act in UK, the London rockers didn’t lose their professional attitude in front of a small crowd in the Far East and still kept their cheerful smiles on throughout the whole concert.

by Dinosaur Journal – in Live Report & Photography

photographs: LINK

好音樂永遠不會過時,今晚你比任何人也更清楚。Peter Hook 作為傳期後朋克樂隊 Joy Division 和 New Order 的貝斯手,於3月31日與他的樂隊 The Light 來港表演,作為2014年的 Celebration Tour 其中一站。Peter Hook & The Light 在每次巡演會從 Joy Division 和 New Order 出版的專輯中選擇兩張作演出曲目。這一次,他們選擇了 Unknown Pleasure 和 Closer 這兩張定義的後朋克聲音的專輯。

筆者在 2013 年看過 Peter Hook & The Light 在美國的演出,我可以肯定,香港的觀眾反應熱烈得多,尤其是舞蹈動作和大合唱,美國實在是及不上的。或許這與香港作為前英國殖民地領土有關,這無疑再次展 現了英國音樂給我們帶來的巨大影響。相信 Hooky 也深知自己在這裡非常受歡迎,並提議拍攝一張他拿著曼徹斯特夜時報 (Manchester Night Times) 的全埸大合照,之後他更把相片上傳到自己的 Twitter。

既然這巡演被打造為“慶祝之旅” ,你可能不會對歌單有太多的期望,因為連續把兩張專輯足以相等一個演唱會的時間。怎料 Hooky 竟以 Substance 大碟中的 Atmosphere 揭開敊幕,緊隨其後有 An Ideal For Living 的 No Love Lost。80年代初合成器仍是一種創新的技術,電子元素是最時尚的聲音;除非你是在那個年代成長的,否則你會在表演中埸感到氣氛下降。

話雖如此,筆者對 Hooky 一口氣完成一個150分鐘的演出而不作任何中埸休息十分佩服!而且,較成熟的觀眾群對 Peter Hook & The Light 的”兩張專輯” 表演公式絕對受落。在現場聽到這些 Post-punk 經典專輯完全把他們帶回到 80年代的黃金時期。(除了當年 Joy Division 音樂中 Ian Curtis 的標誌性聲音和戲劇性的合成器原素變成了現在 Peter Hook 沙啞的歌聲和偏重的低音取代。) 老實說,可能由於這種差別,這次演唱會給我點看 “翻唱樂隊表演” 的感覺。當然,大家還希望他在現場會彈奏多一點,而不是完全交托他的兒子兼樂隊成員 Jack Bates 負責吧。

Peter Hook & The Light 最後以 “Transmission”, “Love Will Tear Us Apart” 和 “Ceremony”結束演出,再一次帶我們乘坐時光機上回到80年代 –那種熟悉的聲音,舞蹈和黑暗中的浪漫 ……

Good music never gets old and tonight you know better than anyone else. Peter Hook, bassist of the legendary post-punk band Joy Division and New Order, came to Hong Kong with his band The Light on 31 March for their celebration tour 2014. In different legs of the tour, Peter Hook & The Light will select two albums from the Joy Division and New Order eras to play in full. This time, they picked Unknown Pleasure and Closer, the albums that defined the sound of post-punk.

As someone who had seen Hooky’s band playing in US before their show in Hong Kong, I could tell you we got a much better crowd here. All the dance moves and especially the singalong could not be seen in the States. Probably it has to deal with the undoubtedly influence of British music to us in this former British colonized territory; even Hooky himself KNOWS he’s very welcomed here and suggested to take a crowd picture with him holding a Manchester Night Times which was later uploaded to his Twitter.

Being promoted as a “Celebration Tour”, you might think there’s not much surprise to expect from the setlist since playing two album consecutively would probably be enough to fill a concert. And.. surprise! Hooky kicked off the show with “Atmosphere” which appeared on another album “Substance” and “No Love Lost” off “An Ideal for Living”. Unless you were actually grew up in the early 80′s when synthesizers were an innovative technique and electronic elements was the hippest sound by that time, you would find the gig losing its hype in the middle.

Having said that, this 2-album-set formula definitely worked for the older generation audience ’cause listening to all these classic albums entirely in live probably took them back to their golden days, except the signature sound from Ian Curtis’ vocal and the dramatic mix of the synthesizer were now replaced by Peter Hook’s husky voice and a much greater emphasis on the bass. To be honest, this concert at some point gave me a sense of “cover band show” due to that discrepancy. Still, this writer does have all the respect for Hooky to complete a 150-minute set without a break! Of course everybody still hoped he’d play his bass a little more instead of letting his son and bandmate Jack Bates to take his spot.

Hooky eventually wrapped up the show with massive hits “Transmission”, “Love Will Tear Us Apart” and “Ceremony” which once again took us a ride on the time machine back to the 80′s – the sound, the dance and the romance of darkness.

by Dinosaur Journal in Live Report & Photography

photographs: LINK

好音樂永遠不會過時,今晚你比任何人也更清楚。Peter Hook 作為傳期後朋克樂隊 Joy Division 和 New Order 的貝斯手,於3月31日與他的樂隊 The Light 來港表演,作為2014年的 Celebration Tour 其中一站。Peter Hook & The Light 在每次巡演會從 Joy Division 和 New Order 出版的專輯中選擇兩張作演出曲目。這一次,他們選擇了 Unknown Pleasure 和 Closer 這兩張定義的後朋克聲音的專輯。

筆者在 2013 年看過 Peter Hook & The Light 在美國的演出,我可以肯定,香港的觀眾反應熱烈得多,尤其是舞蹈動作和大合唱,美國實在是及不上的。或許這與香港作為前英國殖民地領土有關,這無疑再次展 現了英國音樂給我們帶來的巨大影響。相信 Hooky 也深知自己在這裡非常受歡迎,並提議拍攝一張他拿著曼徹斯特夜時報 (Manchester Night Times) 的全埸大合照,之後他更把相片上傳到自己的 Twitter。

既然這巡演被打造為“慶祝之旅” ,你可能不會對歌單有太多的期望,因為連續把兩張專輯足以相等一個演唱會的時間。怎料 Hooky 竟以 Substance 大碟中的 Atmosphere 揭開敊幕,緊隨其後有 An Ideal For Living 的 No Love Lost。80年代初合成器仍是一種創新的技術,電子元素是最時尚的聲音;除非你是在那個年代成長的,否則你會在表演中埸感到氣氛下降。

話雖如此,筆者對 Hooky 一口氣完成一個150分鐘的演出而不作任何中埸休息十分佩服!而且,較成熟的觀眾群對 Peter Hook & The Light 的”兩張專輯” 表演公式絕對受落。在現場聽到這些 Post-punk 經典專輯完全把他們帶回到 80年代的黃金時期。(除了當年 Joy Division 音樂中 Ian Curtis 的標誌性聲音和戲劇性的合成器原素變成了現在 Peter Hook 沙啞的歌聲和偏重的低音取代。) 老實說,可能由於這種差別,這次演唱會給我點看 “翻唱樂隊表演” 的感覺。當然,大家還希望他在現場會彈奏多一點,而不是完全交托他的兒子兼樂隊成員 Jack Bates 負責吧。

Peter Hook & The Light 最後以 “Transmission”, “Love Will Tear Us Apart” 和 “Ceremony”結束演出,再一次帶我們乘坐時光機上回到80年代 –那種熟悉的聲音,舞蹈和黑暗中的浪漫 ……

Good music never gets old and tonight you know better than anyone else. Peter Hook, bassist of the legendary post-punk band Joy Division and New Order, came to Hong Kong with his band The Light on 31 March for their celebration tour 2014. In different legs of the tour, Peter Hook & The Light will select two albums from the Joy Division and New Order eras to play in full. This time, they picked Unknown Pleasure and Closer, the albums that defined the sound of post-punk.

As someone who had seen Hooky’s band playing in US before their show in Hong Kong, I could tell you we got a much better crowd here. All the dance moves and especially the singalong could not be seen in the States. Probably it has to deal with the undoubtedly influence of British music to us in this former British colonized territory; even Hooky himself KNOWS he’s very welcomed here and suggested to take a crowd picture with him holding a Manchester Night Times which was later uploaded to his Twitter.

Being promoted as a “Celebration Tour”, you might think there’s not much surprise to expect from the setlist since playing two album consecutively would probably be enough to fill a concert. And.. surprise! Hooky kicked off the show with “Atmosphere” which appeared on another album “Substance” and “No Love Lost” off “An Ideal for Living”. Unless you were actually grew up in the early 80′s when synthesizers were an innovative technique and electronic elements was the hippest sound by that time, you would find the gig losing its hype in the middle.

Having said that, this 2-album-set formula definitely worked for the older generation audience ’cause listening to all these classic albums entirely in live probably took them back to their golden days, except the signature sound from Ian Curtis’ vocal and the dramatic mix of the synthesizer were now replaced by Peter Hook’s husky voice and a much greater emphasis on the bass. To be honest, this concert at some point gave me a sense of “cover band show” due to that discrepancy. Still, this writer does have all the respect for Hooky to complete a 150-minute set without a break! Of course everybody still hoped he’d play his bass a little more instead of letting his son and bandmate Jack Bates to take his spot.

Hooky eventually wrapped up the show with massive hits “Transmission”, “Love Will Tear Us Apart” and “Ceremony” which once again took us a ride on the time machine back to the 80′s – the sound, the dance and the romance of darkness.